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robert notter

Important Insights to Share After My Tick Bite Ordeal

robert notter
I’m writing to wish you a beautiful day and to share something important and very personal.
I’ve not been in touch since August and there’s a reason why, which I’ll explain in a sec.  I’ll also give you some insights into the coaching industry including some truths you need to know that others aren’t talking about.
Long story short, after I hosted my sold-out abundance workshop in NYC last June, I spent the summer working with my wonderful new Abundance Training Program clients, helping them have big breakthroughs in their business and lives.
Then in August I took a vacation to the beach to relax and connect with nature. While I was there, though, I connected with more than I planned on and was bit by a tick.
Unfortunately, the tick gave me a bacterial infection. It was not Lyme disease but it was still something pretty serious. I spent most of September ill, exhausted and dealing with the infection symptoms. I’ve never experienced anything like this before and it was quite challenging.
Thankfully, with the help of my natural healing community, my amazing physician and my strong immune system, I’ve been able to heal from the infection.
That said, those weeks of rest and recuperation gave me a lot of time to reflect on my life, my business and my industry. And I was able to meditate on how I want the next chapter of Robert Notter to unfold.
When I started my coaching business 14 years ago, I was fueled by the desire to make a difference in the world and help people.  I knew I had a calling to serve others, and believe that everyone on this planet is connected by an energy of love.
I have such gratitude for what I do and feel so blessed to have a successful business, one that gives me the freedom to live a life I love and the opportunity to fulfill my mission.
Over the years, though, the coaching industry has changed a lot and not always in positive ways.  And I’m going to be very blunt about what I’ve noticed, which may ruffle some feathers, but I think the truth should be said.
There is so much marketing now everywhere you look. I can’t even open my email or Facebook without seeing someone promoting the secret formula to earn 6-figures in the next month, or some magical product that’s going to change your business or life in record time.
And frankly, I find this type of marketing so disingenuous and lacking in authenticity and integrity, I can hardly even read it anymore.
Part of what’s happened is there are a lot of coaches out there now in the marketplace, and many people see this as an opportunity to make money off of them.
There are also wellness coaches who were not as successful as they wanted, so they then decided to become a “business” coach to earn more income. But how is someone with no experience in building a business actually qualified to help someone else?
Even some health and wellness schools that I respect have become mass marketers, sometimes compromising quality just to get more people in the door and make money.
On a positive note, however, my dissatisfaction about all of this inauthentic marketing has made me realize even more how VERY IMPORTANT it is for me to take what I do to the next level.
And to take a stand for all of the authentic health and wellness professionals out there, just like you, who first and foremost want to help their families, friends and communities so the world becomes a better place.  
It’s time to bring the heart back to the coaching industry.   

Here’s some of what I’m planning in the coming months to serve you, your mission and to help you get out there and make positive change in the world:

  • free monthly videos about confidence building and authentic marketing
  • insider scoop to dispel the myths about success and how to succeed as an entrepreneur
  • online classes and coaching calls to get your questions answered and have more support
  • a free, full-day virtual event this December about how to authentically build your income and business
  • education about money and what it really means and how to embrace abundance
  • success stories from other heart-centered business owners, to inspire you
  • an online community, you can join for free, to connect with like-minded, success driven people
  • opportunities to volunteer for and give donations to important charities
    and MUCH more


Listen, it’s important to feel abundant in your income, certainly. And I’ve also learned that money is only one part of your circle of life and happiness. I want you to have all that you want in every area!

I believe everything happens for a reason. And the time I took off to heal from that tick infection really gave me the opportunity to get even more clear on what I can do to make this world a better place.

I send you lots of love and I thank you, from my heart to yours, for reading this email and listening.

This is just the beginning, and you and I are part of something bigger than we know. You are powerful, inspirational and you have a mission to fulfill.

Together we can do this, so get ready!

In your service,


P.S. If you want learn about and get invited to all of my upcoming free events and have support to grow your biz, be sure to sign up at the bottom of this page. You’ll also get my free Success Jumpstart Training and be added to my VIP mailing list. You’ll be the first to learn about all of the cool stuff I have planned, that I mentioned in this blog post!

robert notter

Simple Steps To Attract High End Clients

robert notterHealth and wellness professionals often hold themselves back from growing their business by telling themselves that it’s not the right time. They say things like: “I’m not ready to charge more; I am not sure people can pay that or if I know enough; the economy is not in great space” and so on.

The thing is, people often feel comfortable where they are since it’s familiar, EVEN though it’s not where they want to be. And at the root of this they often worry about being good enough and how they’ll be perceived by others.

The only way to reduce the fears so that you can take the steps necessary to grow your business is to learn practical tips that make it easy for you to confidently know you are ready to attract high paying clients.

Here are 4 simple tips to get you started:
Tip #1 For Attracting Higher Paying Clients:
Cultivate A Client Attractive Mindset

You don’t need to have been in business for a long time in order to start attracting more clients. But what you must do is think, act and believe in new ways that represent you valuing yourself and your work! It’s time to notice those thoughts that hold you back and the negative stories you tell yourself. The fears that lead you to believe you’re not worthy. Once you see them, you can lessen their grip on you.

Really, what’s the worst that could happen if you go to a networking event and say hello to a few new people? Or finally click send on that newsletter? If you’re consciously and unconsciously letting fears hold you back, it’s costing you money, time and the opportunity to help a LOT of people.

Tip #2 For Attracting Higher Paying Clients:
Include A “Done-for-You” Component In Your Programs

People can’t wait to get their hands on anything that saves them time. When I began adding done-for-you checklists, templates and forms to my programs, the quality and quantity of my clients quickly increased. In fact, I include them in all of my programs and workshops.

A first simple step could be to plan on including a checklist in your client programs. It could be a to do list, or something that helps them take steps to easily reach their goals. Take the guesswork out of it for them, as they want you to make it easy for them. Turn these tips into a sheet that can give to your client. And when you do consultations, you can let the potential client know that they get information that is READY to implement, so they don’t have to figure it out on their own.

Tip #3 For Attracting Higher Paying Clients:
Create Simple, Easy To Follow Marketing Steps

You can’t just wing it, you need to create a step by step plan that spells out exactly what to do, when and how. By taking the guesswork out of your marketing, you boost your confidence and your ability to take action. It’s actually pretty simple, once you have the template down.

Start with writing down how many new high end clients you want, and in what programs. Then, work backwards to meet those numbers through your various marketing strategies (workshops, referral partners, email campaigns, networking etc.). Set the GOAL then put the strategy together and take the steps. Plus, be sure to get support!

Tip #4 For Attracting Higher Paying Clients:
Create A New and Attractive High-End Offer

The great thing is, you don’t need a big list or even lots of experience to get started. What you DO need is a specific offer that clearly spells out the big results clients will get from working with you. And once you add in a few fun bonuses and the details of how you’ll be delivering your service, you then have a brand new program offering that will generate much more income and MANY more sign ups.

Creating high-end client offers is something every business owner, new or experienced, should be including in their business model. Creating and transitioning to high-end offers frees up your time while increasing your cash flow. Start where you are NOW, and take the very next step. It could be an advanced Platinum 6 Month Program, a Mastermind or even a VIP day. You’ll love how quickly these programs help you grow your income.

Remember that all it takes to be ready is to decide and take action!

6 Quick Ways To Book 5 New Clients This Month

marketing-blvd-postSo often, I see entrepreneurs sabotaging their income because they’re not consistent in their marketing. Which leads to less clients and a lot of stress. Then they slip into worry mode and either take no action OR take the wrong actions, which only stalls their biz growth.

If you’re not in front of your ideal clients on a regular basis you won’t expand your practice. It’s all about providing VALUE so you build trust with them.

So what’s the solution to get your next 5 clients?

First, you need to make a mindset shift and DECIDE to stop focusing on the worry, and instead focus on the GOAL. Whatever you put your attention on is what you create more of (Universal law). Then take some steps to create a steady stream of clients flowing so your income grows and you have money left over for you! Here’s some of my favorite ways to do so:

Tip # 1: Offer A Breakthrough Session To Your Contact List
Create an email that shares the benefits of having a free initial consultation with you, give them a time frame in which they can contact you to schedule it (1 to 1.5 weeks) and then SEND the email.

People love to be heard, so why not invite them to talk with you? And during the conversation, you can enroll them into your programs. It will only take you 15 – 20 minutes to send the email and is so worth the time!

Tip #2: Ask Your Clients For A Referral
If you love your clients and they love you, why not ask them if they know anyone who they think could benefit from your work?

Make it easy for them, draft an email they can send to their contacts on your behalf. Keep it short and caring, and then ask them to send it to anyone they think would be a great fit for working with you.

Tip #3: Reconnect With Past Leads
Who have you connected with in the past 3-6 months who had considered working with you? Simply pick up the phone, call them, and see how they’re doing.

Ask them what their goals are, where they feel challenged, and say that you’d love to help by supporting them in one of your programs. This shows how much you care, and they’ll be happy to hear from you.

Tip # 4: Connect With A Referral Partner
Who do you know now or could get to know, who ALREADY has a connection to your ideal clients? Sit down and make a list of everyone you know now, then pick 1 – 2 to reach out to this week.

Your goal is to have a conversation with them to get to know each other better, and see how you could “be of support.” Which could lead to booking a talk, writing an article, and getting referrals.

Tip #5: Host A Simple In-Person Get Together
Invite some of your contacts and prospects to spend a couple of hours with you one afternoon. Get them excited about your work by talking with them about the problems they’re facing, and how you can help. Be sure to ask your guests to bring someone with them, and you’ll soon have a full room of potential clients.

Tip #6: Stop Hiding Out At Home
It’s great to work from home, but growing your business is all about creating connections. People need to get to know YOU. Make it a priority to attend a few local events or networking meetings, with the goal of booking a few initial consultations.

What are your next steps? What ideas came up for you just now?

Creating a profitable business means you need to take action consistently, from a place of passion and purpose. Remember, what it’s worth to you to succeed and make a difference in this world!

success coach new york

Simple Ways To Improve Your Business Now

Wherever you are in your business currently, to be successful you’ll need easy-to-implement ways to improve your profits and results. This mean you attract better clients, get more people on your newsletter list, fill your programs, start doing workshops or even hire an assistant.

business coach new yorkThe thing is, most holistic health professionals don’t know what to do and when. It’s like getting into a car to take a trip, with no idea where you are headed, no map, and no healthy snacks to keep you energized along the way. You “drive” forward, but not exactly sure where to turn and head along the way.

What often happens is people do time-consuming projects like creating an online course, or an Ebook, or getting their website perfect. INSTEAD, you should be focusing on how to get your next 6-10 clients into your programs. This builds both your confidence AND your income.

Every time I do something new in my business, it forces me to move past my fears and into the new person/entrepreneur I’m meant to become. Whenever you feel resistance to doing something, that is actually where you’ll have your biggest opportunity for growth.

What I recommend is you focus on 3 simple steps that will keep you centered and out of overwhelm:

Step One: Upgrade Your Mindset

If you continue to take action based on where you were yesterday or where you are now, you’ll never grow into the next big level of income. What I do is I imagine what someone, who is already at the level I’m looking to reach, would do in the particular situation I’m facing. This allows me to see the success I want to achieve, from a new set of eyes. So ask yourself, how would a 6 figure entrepreneur handle planning that workshop or sending that newsletter? : )

Step Two: Focus On Consistent Income

Consistent income gives you the freedom to meet your expenses, invest what’s left over, and do all of the things you want to do in your lifestyle, and so much peace of mind.

But you can’t just tell yourself, “Gee, I’d like more money this month,” you actually have to set CLEAR goals and specific numbers. THEN you’ll plan how to meet those goals. And it’s important to set a goal that is realistic but optimistic and slightly out of your comfort zone, so you’ll be inspired to take action and do so from a place of confidence.

I suggest you sit down, and think about how much you want to earn for the next 6-12 months. Then think about which programs and services you’ll need to offer to meet these goals. This way, you have a clear end goal, and can plan what marketing steps you’ll take to get there. You can’t just wing it!

Step Three: Master Your Time Management

You want to work smarter not harder yes, and if you can put consistent time and action steps in your calendar you’ll be much more likely to succeed. If you only “get around” to sending out that newsletter when you feel like it, your contacts and ideal clients are likely to forget about you OR not see you as very relevant to their pressing concerns and goals.

The best way to manage your time is to first carve out the exact times each week for your biz. 30 minutes a day, at the same time each day, is the best way to go. Next, categorize your tasks so that you can have maximum efficiency. For example, Tuesday could be the day you call/follow up with referral partners. And Wednesday could be your newsletter day. Once you get a routine in place, you’ll not have to keep recreating the wheel and you’ll actually save time!

Also, think about which activities/tasks are draining your time and energy, then give those to someone else OR find a tool to help you. (Maybe it’s time to sign up for a newsletter service, or finally accept automated credit card payments). Then, you’re free to take action from the place you’d like to grow into!

Master The Basics

Most health and wellness professionals love to learn. At the same time, many get overwhelmed with trying to get everything perfect, doing too much at once, and not moving forward with a strong, solid foundation in their biz dev strategy. Before trying to create and launch a major marketing campaign with all the bells and whistles, take a step back and consider whether you’re solidly implementing the marketing basics. Marketing doesn’t have to be complicated!
Here are 3 basic marketing strategies that you need to implement, to build your business with time left over to create new programs and help many more people through your work:

Basic Marketing Strategy #1: Master the Basics First

Advanced marketing strategies have a foundation on fundamental marketing skills. Once you invest in learning these 3 basic marketing strategies and you’ll find the more complex campaigns much easier to launch:

Email – You need to connect regularly with your current and potential clients, else they forget why your work is important. Make it a habit to communicate often to your contact list, even if you’re only sending simple newsletter that provides a few tips, shares the value of your work, and who you are and why you can help. And be sure to include an offer in each of your newsletter broadcasts (consultation, classes etc.).

Phone Calls – Are you confident in picking up the phone and conducting Initial Breakthrough Sessions? And do you know what to say to a potential client so that most of the time they say YES to your programs? If not, then it’s time to learn and master this crucial skill. The faster you get it working now, the easier growing your business will be.

List Building – The FIRST and most important goal of any marketing activity is to build your list of potential clients. Attending networking events, giving a free talk/workshop, connect with referral partners to get YOU in front of THEIR list etc. Marketing is really all about building relationships and turning those relationships into new clients, so developing your list building skills has benefits both short and long term.

Basic Marketing Strategy #2: Consistency Is Essential

No marketing strategy will be effective without consistent action on a regular basis. Set up a plan to send your newsletter on a schedule. Promote your programs and services regularly AND authentically. Create goals that are attached to your marketing activities. Not only will you become more comfortable with marketing, your clients and potential clients will have more opportunities to respond to your offers so they get the help they need. Treat your business like a business, not a hobby.

Basic Marketing Strategy #3: Take It One Step At A Time
You don’t have to be perfect, ok? This is a process, and it’s about long term AND short term growth. Use at least one of the basic marketing tools every day to develop your skills and you’ll have a solid marketing system in place before you know it. It’s all about ACTION not perfection.

Don’t let yourself be overwhelmed by doing it all at once. You can build a successful business by focusing first on these basic marketing tools. You’ll have more time to enjoy creating and working with clients. And those advanced techniques will still be there when you’re ready!

My power question for you – What will you do, starting THIS week to implement these strategies consistently and effectively, and what’s it worth to you to succeed?

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