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Stop Letting Negative Stuff Take Away Your Personal Power

I want to share some words of inspiration from one of my favorite authors and teachers, Louise Hay and I hope this brightens your day!

In this busy times we live in, it can be easy to let things throw you off track or have a negative impact on your day. Perhaps it’s an unpleasant situation or something with your work that’s frustrating you. Or maybe even some kind of issue with someone in your life that’s challenging you.

Let’s face it, we live in a world filled with negative messages everywhere we turn. And it’s hard to escape what’s unfolding around us in the world of media, politics, environment, finances, social justice and more.

The only thing consistent is life is consistent change.

But when things happen that make you feel any kind of negative emotion, whether sadness, fear, jealousy or anger, it’s important to always take a step back and reevaluate.

Ultimately, the only thing you can control is how you respond to a situation and the extent to which you allow it to affect you. There is no one else in your mind except you, and you have control over the thoughts you choose to think.

And I’m not saying that you just think happy thoughts or say positive affirmations and magically all of your problems go away. Sometimes it’s normal to be angry, sad, worried and such, it’s part of being human.

But, when you keep focusing only on these negative emotions it becomes like an emotional crock pot that keeps stewing all of the same stuff over and over, which only keeps you feeling bad.

Ultimately, no one or no experience can make you feel bad unless you continue to allow it to. No one else lives in your mind but you.

So the first step to resolving a situation or to feeling better, is to change what you’re thinking about. Thoughts of anger or worry or doubt only create more of that same energy and won’t help you be able to create an effective solution.

It doesn’t mean you accept bad things or act as if it’s OK. Rather, you approach it proactively and from a place of empowerment. When you empower yourself, you are able to empower those around you through your example.

And, after you change your focus to solutions and action, it’s much easier to take action to get back on track or resolve a challenge. You’ll be motivated to do what you need to do to get back into your own happy and prosperous flow.

I’m not saying it’s always easy, I know sometimes life throws you curve balls, some big and some small. But when you get past the challenge and learn from it you’ll be a much more enlightened person and better for it.

So, the next time something goes “wrong” in your day remember to stop, take a breath and then proactively respond. See it for what it is, and don’t let any negative energy or negative people take you out of your own personal power.

This takes so much less energy than staying upset or in reaction mode. 🙂

I’m wishing you a wonderful day filled with loving people and happy experiences.

Thank you for being part of my wonderful coaching community!

Love and success,


robert notter

Be Your Unique Self To Attract Many More Clients

Something you have to remember is that there is no one else in the universe exactly like you! And this is what makes you, your brand and your practice so unique.

Ultimately, people are not coming to you or signing up for your courses and programs because they have a cool name of fun logo. In fact, people will invest in your services because they know, love and trust you!

It’s easy though, to get caught up in that whole “comparison trap” looking at what other people are doing and feeling like you’re not successful enough. Or trying to mimic the style of marketing of another more successful person.

It’s great to have role models and understand what successful people are doing, but you have to make sure YOUR personality shines through. As you let your real self shine, people will be attracted to that and your marketing becomes effortless. You can do it!

You’ll learn some great tips, as I do a rendition of one of my favorite Sia songs. And yes, I’ll leave the actual singing and performing to Sia! Watch the video now here:



Something you may not know about me, when I was a kid I was very shy and got picked on a lot. So I learned to be quite and keep to myself so I’d not stand out, as I was fearful of who would bully me. I spent a lot of time alone either reading books, or listening to music to make me feel better.

We all have our own version of this, right? That place that scares you, or that zone of not feeling comfortable? I certainly do. In the first few years of my biz, I was scared to do anything too different or to rock the boat.

Eventually, once I hired a mentor she shared with me, “Robert, you’re a really funny and goofy guy, it’s a great thing and you don’t have to hide it! People are going to love you for you so just be yourself!”

And you know, ever since that day a light switched on inside of me. And in addition to letting my uniqueness come out in my business, I started to just trust that the right people would be attracted to me and things will always work out.

Please know, some people will resonate with your practice and some won’t. You don’t have to please everyone. You just have to be YOU and show up powerfully for the people who do resonate with you and want what you have to offer.

If I, a shy kid from Indiana with no background in business, can go on to leave his “safe” corporate job and build a highly successful practice doing what he loves, so can you!

The special tips and silly fun I have in this video will inspire you as you watch, to be the beautiful, amazing and talented you that you already are!

Special Invite: If you want more support putting your strategy together, I’m happy to help. You can request a free Entrepreneurial Mastery Conversation with me and I’ll give you support to get clients now.

We can have a candid discussion about what you can do now to get more income in the door and fill your programs, more consistently. It’s not about doing more marketing, it’s about doing the right marketing. I know you’ll find this conversation enlightening and empowering.

You can click here to learn more and set up a time to talk with me, my treat!
I’m excited to hear from you and see what you’re ready to accomplish!


Video: Diversify Your Program Offerings To Expand Your Profits

Did you know that growing your business, means you need to meet people where they are? The thing is, all of your potential clients are at different phases of their willingness and readiness to work with you.

Someone you get from a trusted referral source is much different than someone you meet casually at a networking event. And if you only have one program or course to offer, you’re missing out on a lot more revenue and the opportunity to help many more people.

This video will show you the next steps to expand what you offer, in a way that’s manageable and repeatable. You’ll know what’s been missing and how to fix it, so you expand your income in a new and very exciting way.

There’s even a bonus handout with the video: click here for the handout




After you watch the video, be sure to check out my free virtual masterclass:

I’m sharing for the first time ever, exactly how to deepen your coaching skills and design your programs, so you have a lot more impact, freedom and income. You don’t want to miss this!

Click here to learn more and join us for the virtual masterclass.

Ready For Some Personalized Coaching & Support?

Growing a successful business won’t happen if you try to do it all on your own. It takes learning the right systems, strategies and more, plus having the accountability to stay on track. Just like when you support your clients, they need your help and hand holding and the same goes for you!

I’d like to invite you to an Entrepreneurial Success Conversation, as my gift, to help you:

  • Understand how to earn money starting now, and do so in less time
  • Get clear on your vision for your success and how to harness that inspiration to motivate you
  • Identify and overcome your challenges so they don’t sabotage your success
  • Understand how to automate your practice so you save time
  • Learn how to overcome fears and doubt and own your worth
  • Identify your next step to get clients in the door and keep them there
  • Ask me questions and feel fully supported as the amazing entrepreneur you are!

Please visit this page to learn more and sign up for this insightful conversation with me: click here now to talk with me personally


robert notter

Staying Inspired During Difficult Times

It’s Robert here, writing to share some thoughts to inspire you to embrace your life and the world in even more positive ways.

As you know, there’s a lot going on in the world right now and so much transition for so many people. There’s political strife and change, health concerns, economic issues, environmental concerns, and it’s affecting so many people around the world.

I actually don’t watch the news because it’s often so biased and negative.

But there’s something you must keep in mind. Even when things around you are not how you’d like them to be, you have power over two things:

1. What you think and talk about
2. How focused you are on the present moment

Sometimes it can be challenging, though, since many people (and the mass media) often talk about problems and fear and negativity.

But YOU are not like most people, you’re a health and wellness entrepreneur who understands and who cares about other people and stands up for what they believe in.

So it’s important to move away from the programmed fear thinking so prevalent out there, and into an optimistic mindset and outlook.

And start to recognize how your thoughts, beliefs and habits affect your happiness, success, and what you accomplish in your business and life.

So, take time each day to become what I call a “conscious observer” of your thoughts.

Do you focus on the good you already have, on what you want to manifest and the goals you’d like to achieve?

Or do you dwell in what’s not working and the problems you have, or problems in the world?

And I’m not suggesting that you only have to think happy thoughts, pray or meditate and good things will magically unfold. You also have to take action to make the goals a reality and seek out support to help you get there.

We all face challenging situations, it’s part of being human. But if you spend more time worrying about problems instead of solutions, you’ll not grow as quickly nor feel as good.

So be honest and notice you’re thinking about. If any worry or fear comes up just simply catch yourself thinking in that pattern, and turn it around.

Ask yourself, “What can I focus on now to help me reach this goal (overcome this challenge, create the success I want) so I can be happy and prosperous?”

There are an infinite number of thoughts you can think and you are the only one in control of which ones you choose.

I believe that we all deserve to feel good and have love in our lives, and the first step is to take a look in the mirror and consider how you can create more love and compassion in your own mind.

And as you do this, one day at a time, you’ll see so many more possibilities open up for you. You’ll also ATTRACT different people and situations into your life, as you change your energy and vibration.

What you put out is a magnet and it draws back the people places and experiences that are of similar energy. 🙂

I believe in you and I want you to succeed and I’m so honored to have you in my community of health and wellness professionals.

Much love and support,


robert notter


End Your Bad Business Habits

I’m sharing something really important about your success and in a way you’ve likely not heard before.

Now, here’s something to ponder.  Frequently, I notice entrepreneurs are often running in what I call “habit mode.”  They’re doing a lot of the same things (or not doing much) when it comes to finding clients.

In essence, they have a set of behaviors and beliefs that have become so familiar to them, it dictates actions habitually (often unconsciously).

You may find yourself in a cycle of procrastination, comparing yourself, undercharging, being inconsistent etc.  Or you may do a lot, but you’re unfocused with no clear strategy and systems to reach your goals.

I’m going to talk about this in detail at my new Success Key Virtual Mastermind on December 2nd (you can read more and come for free by clicking here.

First, I wanted to give you a little assignment. I created a bonus handout for you called “Upgrade Your Success Mindset” which you can download by clicking the image below:


When entrepreneurs approach their business, they often (even unconsciously) take the same steps and do what feels “comfortable.” But if you repeat the same things over and over nothing changes, right?

As you see in the diagram, what you think influences your decisions and actions, so then you get the same experiences AND the same results.

What if you stop telling yourself, “I can’t call this referral partner, what do I have to offer?” or, “I tried this already and there are too many coaches, it’s not going to work.”

And you then decide (see the right side of the diagram) to think a new thought, which influences better decisions and actions. You’re going to feel better and have more motivation to take action and get much better results.

Here’s your assignment:

  1. Notice what you think about related to success and your business.
  2. Simply be aware of the thoughts and beliefs you tell yourself, without judgement.
  3. Next, make the connection how what you think affects your actions, and how this makes you feel.
  4. Decide to turn your focus away from the negative beliefs and thoughts, and then ponder, “Hmm, what can I tell myself NOW that will have a more positive impact on my motivation and mood?”
  5. Keep those new positive thoughts in your mind, then notice in what good ways this affects the actions you’re ready to take and how you feel.

This is the first and next step to get better results and more clients and income in your business. It’s not about changing your marketing plan unless your mind is first on board.

At the live December 2 Mastermind I’ll give you a complete system based in neuroplasticity on how to re-write the habits and belief patterns in your brain so you get MUCH BETTER results and profits in your business.

Please visit here now to save your virtual seat (and get a copy of the recording after the event):


This is your time to shine, and in each and every moment you can make the decision to allow the success to flow. Are you ready? 🙂

Much love and success,


P.S. As part of this Success Key virtual event I created Facebook community with amazing networking and education opportunities to connect with like-minded practitioners and get referrals. So be sure to check it out and join us:


success key

Increase Your Income Attraction Ability

For many solo-preneurs, the area of prosperity is a big issue. They all have a hidden “inner accountant.” And this accountant is consistently keeping tabs on what you earn, what you’d like to earn, and if you feel you deserve it. Plus, is secretly keeps you in a comfort zone of what you’re used to.

The good news is, you can earn more money, if you take some time connect with these inner mindset/beliefs, renegotiate what you feel you are worth, and how you plan to make it happen. It just takes some reflection and practical steps.

The following tips will help:
Tip # 1 – Examine Your Beliefs. 

The thoughts you have about money influence how much you do or don’t earn. These beliefs were often given to us from others. When you think about money, what thoughts do you associate with it? Do you see it as “good” and a way to help people? Or do you feel that having a big bank account is “selfish?”

One of my clients said she always heard her parents say “there is never enough, and you don’t know what may happen next.” This kept her income stalled. As we worked on changing these beliefs, one at a time, she grew more confident, and doubled her income in just six months. AND remember, the more money you earn means the MORE people you are helping through the gift of your work.

Tip # 2 – Upgrade Your Comfort Zone.

The more comfortable you are with bigger numbers, the more likely you’ll be to attract that into your business. The next time you are out shopping and see something “expensive”, instead of saying “I could never afford that,” take a moment to imagine that you COULD afford it. As you imagine, your brain begins to shift out of old patterns. Years ago one of my coaches gave me the assignment to go to a high-end store and imagine that I could easily purchase anything I wanted. (And I’ve since bought things in that very store!)

So begin to take a look at where you do and don’t feel comfortable. Realize that these are only thoughts, and as you shift your thoughts and actions, you will earn more.

Tip # 3 – Stop Focusing On Fear. 

What you focus on is what you create – it’s a Universal law. When you wake up each morning, be grateful for what you do have. And when any fear or worry thoughts come up, simply recognize them as thoughts. Tell yourself why you CAN do this, and why you deserve to be successful. The next time you sit down to balance your checkbook, instead of seeing it as daunting, imagine how good it will feel to make room for more income to come in!

Tip # 4 – Have A Reality Check.

What part of your daily money life do you shy away from the most? Is it balancing your checkbook or reading your statement online? Opening up that stack of bills on your counter? Or paying bills on time or with a feeling of freedom? Decide which daily tasks are the most challenging for you, then, get the information or support you need to upgrade both your mindset and your capabilities. 

Tip # 5 – Be With Affirming People. 

Decide who you know with a positive money attraction mindset, begin to spend more time with them, and model their behaviors. The energy of people around you has a big impact on your own income. So, who do you know? Who inspires you? Remember, like attracts like, so keep your inner circle full of people who are attracting success.

You can prosper! I’ll be sharing my EXACT system at my new virtual mastermind on how to charge what you’re worth and get it! Reserve your gift ticket for my Success Key Virtual Mastermind and get in on the pre-event bonuses now!

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