Stop Letting Negative Stuff Take Away Your Personal Power
I want to share some words of inspiration from one of my favorite authors and teachers, Louise Hay and I hope this brightens your day!
In this busy times we live in, it can be easy to let things throw you off track or have a negative impact on your day. Perhaps it’s an unpleasant situation or something with your work that’s frustrating you. Or maybe even some kind of issue with someone in your life that’s challenging you.
Let’s face it, we live in a world filled with negative messages everywhere we turn. And it’s hard to escape what’s unfolding around us in the world of media, politics, environment, finances, social justice and more.
The only thing consistent is life is consistent change.
But when things happen that make you feel any kind of negative emotion, whether sadness, fear, jealousy or anger, it’s important to always take a step back and reevaluate.
Ultimately, the only thing you can control is how you respond to a situation and the extent to which you allow it to affect you. There is no one else in your mind except you, and you have control over the thoughts you choose to think.
And I’m not saying that you just think happy thoughts or say positive affirmations and magically all of your problems go away. Sometimes it’s normal to be angry, sad, worried and such, it’s part of being human.
But, when you keep focusing only on these negative emotions it becomes like an emotional crock pot that keeps stewing all of the same stuff over and over, which only keeps you feeling bad.
Ultimately, no one or no experience can make you feel bad unless you continue to allow it to. No one else lives in your mind but you.
So the first step to resolving a situation or to feeling better, is to change what you’re thinking about. Thoughts of anger or worry or doubt only create more of that same energy and won’t help you be able to create an effective solution.
It doesn’t mean you accept bad things or act as if it’s OK. Rather, you approach it proactively and from a place of empowerment. When you empower yourself, you are able to empower those around you through your example.
And, after you change your focus to solutions and action, it’s much easier to take action to get back on track or resolve a challenge. You’ll be motivated to do what you need to do to get back into your own happy and prosperous flow.
I’m not saying it’s always easy, I know sometimes life throws you curve balls, some big and some small. But when you get past the challenge and learn from it you’ll be a much more enlightened person and better for it.
So, the next time something goes “wrong” in your day remember to stop, take a breath and then proactively respond. See it for what it is, and don’t let any negative energy or negative people take you out of your own personal power.
This takes so much less energy than staying upset or in reaction mode. 🙂
I’m wishing you a wonderful day filled with loving people and happy experiences.
Thank you for being part of my wonderful coaching community!
Love and success,