Success Is Outside Your Comfort Zone
I wanted to share some exciting news about what’s been cooking over here at Robert Notter Coaching (literally ha)!
I’ve been busy planning the next months of my practice and some fun new projects. I’ll share more about that in a second.
First, a friend recently sent me this pic and it really spoke to me:
The thing is, living a life of purpose and going for your dreams can be a little scary. There is often a lot of unknown and that can overwhelm us.
I often hear in my coaching practice, “Robert I want to (have more clients, make more money, give a talk, call a referral partner etc.) but I am nervous about what may happen.”
Our brains, in fact, are wired to keep us “safe” from harm by keeping us with what is FAMILIAR to us now.
But it’s important to understand that all you want in your life and biz is, in fact, just outside your comfort zone. It requires dedication and courage to take action to get it.
I remember over 15 years ago when I left my “secure” corporate job, it literally scared the heck out of me. What was I doing leaving the comfort and stability of that income???
But, I knew deep down that I had to let my heart lead me to do what I truly loved, which was becoming a coach and helping others.
SO many people in the world settle for mediocrity, and never follow their dreams. And a lot of times it’s because they are scared of what could go wrong.
I want to lovingly challenge you today to think about what it would mean to stop letting fears or doubts hold you back.
How would it feel to create the life and business of your dreams?
Heck, if a guy like me with no business background can leave his corporate job and build a highly successful practice, so can you.
Does it happen overnight? No, it takes having the right systems and support and stick-to-it-ness, combined with your passion for what you do.
I encourage you to think about ONE small step you can take today to get out of your comfort zone and be open to what I believe is your universal right: to be happy, healthy, prosperous and loved.
For me, this means continuing to evolve my practice as I evolve. Which is why I’m so excited about what I’m planning in the coming months to do what I love.
Here’s some of what’s coming up:
– monthly FB Live trainings on money mindset and marketing
– a new event this fall in NYC to teach you to grow your practice from the inside out
– an invitation to talk with me this month, my treat, to get clarity on how to attract more income and impact into your practice
– new videos on ‘getting back to the basics’ to simplify your marketing so you have consistent clients, plus much more!
And… I’m excited to announce that in addition to my business coaching practice, I’m creating a whole new venture on how to do low-carb and sugar free cooking.
I’ll be sharing recipes and cooking methods, but more exciting I’ll be combining this with how what we EAT is not just about the food we put in our mouths. I know you’ll love it!
You’ll be able to use these tips, in fact, in your practice with your own clients. More to come so stay tuned!
I am so passionate about my marketing coaching practice AND I love food and cooking, so I want to do both. 🙂
I’m honored to have you in my community and I have such gratitude to be able to support you to create a life and business filled with abundance, love and impact!
Big hug and much love,