Choose Love
I want to take a moment to say that I am sending you much love. And I write to you today as a fellow human being who is experiencing all that’s taking place all around the world, just as you are. And first, I hope that you and your family and friends are safe and well.
These are such times of uncertainty. None of us, a year ago, would have imagined all that is going on the past few months would be unfolding. This is something we would not have expected to happen so quickly and in such deep ways.
And last night, in NYC, I watched helicopters swarm my neighborhood and looked down from my window on the eerily quiet streets during curfew, and to all of the businesses boarded up with wood. I knew so much unrest was happening all over the city, and all over the country. It brought me to tears knowing that so many people are scared, suffering and hurt.
Although these are unprecedented times, I continue to hold in my vision for humanity the day when ALL people are treated with love and equality. And to a day when our children and their children and their children no longer see people with fear, or as different just because of how they look, where they are from, who they pray to or who they choose to love. And that they see one another as equals and deserving of compassion and respect.
And that people will see one another through their hearts, and that we as humans will all realize our intricate connection to one another and to our planet and everything living on it.
Take a moment every day to focus on the LOVE in your heart. Then imagine that love spreading out to your family, your communities, your cities, your country and the world.
And remember that every word you speak, every thought you think and every action you take makes a difference. And though sometimes it’s challenging and there is a lot of fear and pain out there now, always remember that there is still much love in the world too.
So please choose love and gratitude and hope, knowing that what you put your energy and attention on will expand. And please do your best to take care of yourself and your loved ones in these times of unrest.
Trust that we will get through this and let’s all pray and meditate with the intention that much good and positive change will come from this, change that’s been needed for a very long time!
You are a beautiful human being and your voice matters and you matter. I wish you much love and am so honored to have you in my community.
Many blessings of peace and hope and love,