Inspiration From A Fleetwood Mac Song
I hope you’re having a wonderful day. I’m currently enjoying an end of summer vacation. And, as always, I’m feeling inspired to share an inspiring message with you:
You are the creator of your own reality.
I’ll explain more in a minute. But first, I was listening to some Fleetwood Mac songs this morning (love Stevie!) and was inspired by lyrics from “Don’t Stop”.
“Why not think about times to come?
And not about the things that you’ve done
If your life was bad to you
Just think what tomorrow will do
Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow
Don’t stop, it’ll soon be here
It’ll be, better than before,
Yesterday’s gone, yesterday’s gone.”
Here’s the thing, yes the world is in a chaotic place now. So much is unfolding with the pandemic, politics, social media, the environment. And this can have a huge impact on your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical health.
However, there’s a wonderful and amazing thing called your MIND, that is in charge of what you think, what you allow yourself to perceive and the choices you decide to make.
You are the only thinker in your mind, and it’s within your control. So, you can choose to think fearful thoughts, read articles on social media or watch TV about doom and gloom, focusing on how ‘bad’ things are or how difficult they may continue to be.
Or You Can Choose To Focus on Hope, Trust, Faith, Love, Gratitude. And realize that this is a time of profound shifts for humanity. We are evolving into a new way of being and living and will be forever changed.
And I believe with every ounce of my heart that this difficult time is ultimately a process of shedding what’s no longer working and revealing what needs to change.
We simply can’t keep treating one another and our planet the ways we’ve been doing up until now. And now we have an opportunity to do our part, as individuals and as a collective, to heal and make things even better than before.
Listen, I know that some days can really be challenging, and there is tremendous stress and hardship in the world. In fact, it may be happening to you now in your own life or in your communities. My love and prayers go out to all of the people around the world who are suffering.
I can say, living in NYC during the first months of the pandemic brought uncertainty and fear for me. But I kept tuning into my heart, as a spiritual being in this material world, and my intuition reassured me that things are going to get better and we will be stronger on the other side.
So, I’d like to loving call you to action, a new action, each and every moment of every day, to monitor your thoughts. Think about what you’re thinking about and envision your life and the world with a lens of love and hope and positive change. And be conscious of what you allow into your consciousness.
See and feel what you want to be and want to have as if it’s already there. And surround yourself with people who inspire you and who bring you strength and peace.
We are all intricately connected with one another, this planet and all life on it. And YOU my friend have the power to create your life and your reality in the ways you want.
You Are A Powerful Human Being
And what yous focus on is what you create, with your thoughts and actions and words. Even on difficult days, the reality you want to focus on is up to you, no matter how stressful things may be in the world around you. And as Fleetwood Mac said, It’ll Be Better Than Before.
That “better” may not come the very next day. But the better YOU choose in this moment is ALWAYS within your power, and that is the reality you shall experience and is already within your reach.
Choose love and know that I respect and appreciate you and what you stand for as an amazing human being and entrepreneur.
Much love and success,