Specifically for Coaches, Healers, Counselors & Holistic Practitioners Who Work In the Service of Others
Finally, I'm Revealing My Blueprint that Will Lay Out For You - Step by Step - How to Quickly Create the Mindset & Action Plan to Generate More Money in Your Business Than You Previously Imagined.. So You Take Your Business and Your Life to the Next Level...with Integrity."
Whether you're a brand new or an established entrepreneur, these 2 Days of LIVE training will give you the step by step FORMULA, TEMPLATES, OUTLINES, SCRIPTS...PLUS LIVE coaching you need to generate more income and become a happy, spiritually fulfilled and financially successful practitioner who's helping others in a BIG way.
The workshop is now sold out, but stay tuned for my Spring 2012 event!
Dear Health & Wellness Entrepreneurs,
Robert Notter
Marketing & Mindset Coach
Are you passionate about helping others and making a difference in the world, but struggle to find paying clients for your business?
Are you ready to step up to the next level of success with your business but every time you try you get sabotaged with more work, fears and overwhelm?
Did you know that the success of your business is directly connected to your beliefs, your mindset, and your own health?
Do you want an easy, step-by-step system for consistently transforming prospects into paying clients?
Are you ready to get your new business off to the right start or take your established business - including your credibility, income and even your lifestyle - to the next level?
If you answered "Yes!" to ANY of these questions and you want an exciting, heart-based, high-income generating business - consistently doing work you love - then join me LIVE, November 4-5, 2011, in the heart of New York City, where I'll personally give you my blueprint, templates, forms, and materials so you can create more freedom and income
I remember when I was learning to be a coach. I'd watch the successful teachers, and I'd dream of being equally as successful. At that time though, It was hard for me to imagine that I could bring in six figures in a year, and if someone had suggested to me that I would make that much money and more I would have thought they were pulling my leg.
Fast forward to today, I've coached and taught to thousands of holistic professionals (more than anyone in my industry). It's with immense gratitude that I'm able to share that I run an over 6-figure coaching business from home. I got here by investing years of time and energy, from my heart, and never giving up. It wasn't always easy, but it all paid off when I finally figured out a success blueprint that helps me (and my clients) consistently earn money doing work that matters.
A moment of trust... this CAN happen for you as well!
I'm not here to brag about my success. I simply want to honestly and AUTHENTICALLY model this for you that a highly successful business is possible. Making money is part of your birthright on this planet. And as you earn more, you take a stand for YOUR clients that they too can prosper. And I want to show you how to do this.
Consider: What is it worth to you to learn proven, step-by-step tools that you can use over and over again to find clients and earn more money, consistently? What would it be like to feel the sense of FREEDOM and security to shine and prosper?
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To accomplish this, there's something you need to know, something that most people aren't talking about...
Over the years, I've spent tens of thousands of dollars on coaching to grow my business. I've studied marketing, communication, sales, social media...you NAME It. This was all very helpful, certainly. Ultimately, though, I've discovered that the TRUE key to achieving success is found within the following statement:
You create your success from WITHIN, with the WORDS you speak, the THOUGHTS you think, the ACTIONS you take and the COMPANY you keep.
I know you're aware that you need to learn marketing strategies, and this is important for sure. YET, if you want to implement these strategies into your practice and your mind/body/spirit are not on board to AUTHENTICALLY EMBODY these tools, you'll never achieve the success you deserve.
Wherever you are now in your business, your mindset and your life, I'm ready to help you create a HUGE shift in the profitability of your practice, and embody success FROM WITHIN. At this 2-day LIVE event, I'll share how to generate income AND more importantly create the lifestyle you desire.
There's nothing like knowing you have a consistent flow of income coming in to bring you peace and security. Consider what some of my top clients are sharing:
"I Earned More in the First Two Months of 2011 Than ALL of Last Year"
"Before working with Robert, I was frustrated knowing that as a Health Coach I was doing great work with the few clients I had, but getting clients was a very slow process. I had great conversations with people about my work, but wasn't able to get many to agree even to a Health History, much less sign up for a program. And when they DID agree to a Health History, the majority walked away not making a decision to work with me.
My marketing approach has totally changed now. I have my niche clearly defined. I use more interesting language that really sells benefits and those benefits are specifically related to my target market. Best of all, I am making more money and enjoying it more. I earned more in the first 2 months of this year than I did all of last year!
I can see now how to keep building it bigger. I am creating a 'program plan' for the whole year, with a clear timeline for when to communicate it. Plua, I know how to promote in an authentic way, that grabs people's attention, and there's no stopping me now!"
Paula Antonini, Health Coach
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Attending the "Success from Within" Intensive on November 4 & 5 is a MUST if you are:
Just starting out as a health and wellness professional or have been in business for a while, and want to learn what's proven to work (and what to skip) in today's market, helping you get the right start as you move ahead with your exciting new business
Ready to step up to the next level of success with your business but every time you try, it seems you get sabotaged with more work, fears and overwhelm?
Already established as a practitioner and want time-saving tools and strategies to streamline your business so you can comfortably and confidently grow your list, attract more clients and increase your income
Excited to learn how to cultivate your own money mindset, to charge what you're worth, stop letting fears hold you back, and confidently step into your shining success
Seeking networking, collaboration and referral partner opportunities - plus how-to training on increasing your credibility and opening the door to exciting, new opportunities
Ready to be handed done-for-you templates detailing every step in adding lucrative high-end coaching programs that can easily add thousands of dollars of additional monthly income
Eager to learn the latest and most authentic business building skills to make you indispensable to your niche, and do it all with integrity and honest purpose
What is the essence of success?
#1 MINDSET ALIGNMENT - Your mind will create exactly what it believes is possible. So to earn MORE money, you'll need to create and recreate a new mindset, so your mind is on board to manifest the money and lifestyle goals you want. Replace your fears and doubt with confidence and trust.
#2 MARKETING INTEGRATION - Once your mindset is elevated to match your success goals, you'll need understandable SYSTEMS, actual techniques, and practical tactics to actually find consistent clients and create freedom in your finances!
#3 SUPPORT IMMERSION - Being part of a community of other like-minded solo-preneurs who are all committed to moving forward and reaching new levels of success is essential. New ways to be held ACCOUNTABLE! You must SURROUND yourself with support.
You'll learn and integrate these three success ingredients in these two
LIVE days in NYC, where you'll discover:
Module 1:
"Your Blueprint on How to Transform Yourself and Your Business, So You Can Joyfully Leap Ahead With Your Income...Guilt Free"
If you want to find more clients, you'll need to get clear on how to put the pieces of your business development process together in a way that it all works FOR YOU instead of YOU having to work AT it.
Imagine if you want to build a house, and you're busy planning the color of the bedroom before you even have the foundation laid and the frame up, you probably won't have a very stable house, you think?
The same is true with your practice. Once you see how all of the pieces fit together, you'll create a solid "framework", to manage and communicate with your contacts and clients. A plan that brings you more clients and more income, over and over, consistently and reliably.
Big aha moment: The success of your practice is intimately connected to the beliefs you hold, the words you speak and the thoughts you think. Yes folks, it's not just about your marketing. And in this module, you'll learn to create success on the "inside" and the "outside".
In this training session you'll discover:
The mindset you'll need to cultivate so you consistently start attracting paying clients and finally move past the fear you feel when it comes to building your business
The success and business foundations to implement, so you earn more money without burning out or feeling overwhelmed
The secret key to giving yourself permission to make and more importantly, KEEP more money (without this secret key, you're likely holding yourself back in a big way)
How to get control of your biggest income leak - time - so you make more with less work (you may be unconsciously sabotaging yourself)
How to get a handle on the areas of your environment, that cause sneaky, self-sabotaging behavior you may be unconsciously engaging in that's stopping your ability to authentically grown your business
- Beautiful chart of my "Success from Within Blueprint", that you can hang on your wall, clearly guiding you to put the right tools and strategies in the right places - combined with the mindset to get you there
- Detailed checklist on how to master your time, showing you ways to get more done with less frustration, and to do so in a way that's easy-to-implement
- My "End Self Sabotage" checklist, to hold YOURSELF accountable and not letting any of those unconscious thoughts or behaviors creep in, potentially robbing you of future income
- The Money Attraction Mindset formula to easily own your worth, charge for your services, and attract more abundance into your business
You'll have support in Module 1 to wake up to your new success reality. You'll know that a lucrative business is possible, why you deserve to achieve it, and how to trust that your success will only grow. Plus, you'll have a new perspective on what business development entails, so you see the bigger picture with confidence and clarity.
Module 2:
"The Keys to Client Attractive Communication, So You Consistently Start Transforming Contacts and Conversations into Paying Clients"
Marketing is not a complicated process (yes, it's true- take that in for a moment). Finding clients is all about communication and building trust, so that people understand, without question, that you can help them.
It's NOT about being manipulative or pushy. In fact, it's simply about conveying that YOU are the solution to the exact problems your ideal clients face. They already want what you have to offer, you just have to help them understand why you're the one to help them.
This means you need to communicate in a way that has them continually taking that next step to working with you- joining your newsletter, signing up for consultations, and paying for your programs.
In this module, I'll walk you through my Authentic Communication Method®, giving you a blueprint for: the What, When, How, Where and Why of speaking and writing. This communication model will consistently bring a steady stream of both new contacts and paying clients. This module alone is worth the entire investment in the workshop!
In this training session you'll discover:
My Authentic Communication Method - 6 basic elements of communication, simple yet powerful tools that will have people eager and excited to learn more about your work and be part of your community and invest in your services
The real reasons people sign up for your programs and courses, and the simple shifts you need to make to quickly increase your income
Where and when you should be connecting with potential clients, so you're prepared to capture their contact information, build trust over time, and ensure that they become a paying client
Guidelines for how to manage any potential client conversation- what you should talk about, what you should ask, and how to create a genuine connection (most biz owners unconsciously get this wrong, leaving them broke and frustrated when they could instead be serving others in a powerful way)
Ways to write email copy that is persuasive yet authentic and motivates your contacts to take that next step: signing up for your newsletters, coming to your classes, registering for a consultation and paying for your programs
What to offer your prospective clients that is MOST likely to generate a "Yes - that's what I want!" response |
How to "seed for success" in your newsletter, social media, your blog and more (this is my secret for creating a rush of new clients every time I promote program or course)
- Authentic Communication Method template detailing exactly which elements to include in every conversation or communication scenario, so you have that "How do I learn more now?" response from you contacts
- Checklist of the top questions to ask any new contact, so they actually know you care about helping them, and will want to learn more about your work
- My template of how to write a BOLD and compelling headlines for your emails and newsletters, that has people open them every time
- Checklist of potential client resources, i.e. the tips and information you can use at any time, providing immediate value to new contacts so they want to be on your mailing list
In this module, you'll embrace and welcome the idea that marketing is not about manipulation, it's about you sharing from the heart. You'll dispel the beliefs that you're a "bad communicator." And realize that you make a difference in the world, and stand for the success of others. You'll know that your voice and words resonate with others.
Module 3:
"My Blueprint to Offering Lucrative "Private Platinum" Programs that Quickly Increase Your Income Whether You're a New OR Experienced Entrepreneur"
If you want to propel your business into the next level of success, you'll need to upgrade your program offerings and create something EXCITING that your contacts have never seen before.
The Private Platinum Program model will exponentially increase your income and credibility. You'll have a blueprint for exactly what to offer your clients, that is both fun, understandable, and VERY marketable.
In fact, I use this Private Platinum model in my own practice, and it's helped me authentically double my income to multiple six figures in just the past nine months. This is something you'll not want to miss, and this module will teach you exactly how to begin.
In this training session you'll discover:
Exactly what a Private Platinum program is and why this is your key to increasing your income no matter how you used to run your programs in the past |
Why clients LOVE Private Platinum programs, and how to have them ay "Yes!" to signing up |
Why you don't need a big list to get started successfully offering Private Platinum programs
What to include with your Private Platinum program (and what to skip, saving you time and frustration)
Tips on how to price your Private Platinum program (and be excited, this will help you quickly build your income) |
What one action you must take to stop giving away your coaching for pennies (learn this you'll free up hours of your time every week, plus effortlessly position you as an expert, even if you're just starting out) |
- Sample checklists for designing and delivering your Platinum program
- Bonus tips on what to include in your programs, so people are excited to sign up
- Marketing checklist on how to promote your programs, so people say YES
In this module, you'll embrace and embody that your expertise is invaluable. You'll position yourself as an expert and understand that there's no longer any need to play small. You'll create a structure to your program offerings that has you continue to attract success from within.
Module 4:
"How to Create Profitable Referral Partnerships Helping You Grow Your Reputation, Leverage Your Time and Income and Find Clients Quickly"
If you're trying to do this on your own, collecting one business card at a time, you're in for a lot of disappointment. In fact, learning my strategies to connect with only two referral partners alone who CONSISTENTLY send you clients, will help you double your income this year. Why keep working AT your business, when you can lovingly have other people help you?
Listen, I know that the thought of building relationships may seem challenging at first. But for now, in this moment, let that belief go and instead consider: "I have value to offer and people want to share me with their clients."
This module is all about working smarter, not harder. As you learn how to, in a non-pushy way, create connections with other practitioners and organizations, you'll be on track to potentially double if not triple your income. How does this sound? It's time to stop working AT your business, and start having it work FOR you.
In this training session you'll discover:
The important mindset shift you'll need to position yourself as a star within your community and network, and have referral partners consistently sending you clients
How to identify who the best potential referral partners are for your business and your clients, so you'll save time and have them say "yes" to partnering with you continually, even if you have a small list
Step by step, how to research and find referral partners, so you know exactly what to do and when, saving you lots of frustration and money
Word for word, what to say when you call or write a new contact, so they'll want to learn more about your business and will refer clients to you, AND how to continue to build the relationship |
Exactly what you can offer to these referral partners, so you provide value to them and their clients, and you quickly earn more money and establish your credibility
- 6-month referral partner plan to track what to do and when, so you build more contacts in less time
- Detailed script explaining exactly what to always talk about when presenting your services to a referral partner
- Done-for-you email that tells you exactly what to write when you contact a potential new referral partner, so they actually call or write you back
- Checklist of services and promotions you can offer referral partners, so they immediately start working with you
You'll finally trust and embody the principle that people do want what you have to offer. You'll stop questioning yourself and will have the confidence to reach out and build relationships. Equally as important, you'll look in the mirror and say "I am important, my work matters, and I am meant to shine."
Module 5:
"How to Create Your "New Client Marketing Action Plan" and Get 6 New Clients in the Next 60 Days"
Imagine you're getting in your car to drive from New York to California. What do you need to get you there? A map (or GPS system). Well, the same is true with your business. An understandable and effective marketing plan is ESSENTIAL. You can't just wing it, or dabble.
This module is all about creating your success plan, so that you know what to do and when for the next 30 and 60 days, and beyond. You'll be surprised and relieved when you see just how simple it actually is.
This is your roadmap to create the freedom to do the work you love with less worry. You'll confidently know how to find paying clients, over and over. Whew, what a relief!
In this training session you'll discover:
Simple, effective ways to generate a steady stream of wonderful potential clients |
The one simple action step planning that most entrepreneurs don't use that is costing them many new clients every year (imagine what this could mean to you in income and time for your business!) |
How to quickly transform feeling overwhelmed or uncertain into action and momentum that brings you many paying clients |
The one simple daily practice that will energize you to quickly build your income (and it's easy to do- you just need to commit)
- Money tracking template that will have you excited to connect with how much income you bring in daily, allowing you to attract more and more abundance
- Step-by-step "New Client Marketing Plan", detailing exactly how you'll attract your next clients, consistently with this action planning worksheet
As a result of this module, you'll understand that from this and every day forward, your marketing plan is bound for success. You'll truly believe that the results will come and understand that by taking action you create a shift in the success of your business. You'll recognize that it's your birthright to share in the abundance of this planet.
What makes this training so unique, and why should you attend? Here are some common questions:
Q: Is this similar content to your other courses?
A: This content is brand new and is information I have only shared with a very select group of my private one-on-one clients. You'll be so excited, ready to take your business to an entirely new level of success.
Q: Why is this event 2 days instead of 3 days?
A: To let you know, I've been to a lot of workshops. I found, often times, that there was a lot of "fluff" included. NOT the case with "Success from Within". I value your time and will give you my best tools in these two days. And because I have this work down to an art, 2 days is just perfect! PLUS you'll get lots of time to network and connect with your event colleagues.
Q: How is the Success From Within Intensive different than other workshops I can attend?
A: SFW isn't a draining marathon of speakers trying to pitch you things, coaches who promise content, but just leave you wanting more. And it's not a marketing training event aimed at the general small business owner. SFW is an Intensive which means you'll get the specific how-to information you need to market AND grow your health and wellness business, taking it to YOUR next level.
Q: If I'm bringing a friend, who can I bring?
A: I encourage you to bring a colleague, a key member of your team, your spouse or anyone who supports you in your growth.
Q: Is SFW for new or experienced practitioners?
A: Both! New and experienced practitioners will benefit from the step-by-step marketing and business training you'll receive, making it ideal whether you're just starting out and want your first clients or you're a seasoned pro looking to free up your time and increase your income. You'll get what you need no matter what level you're currently at with your coaching business.
Q: When does the event take place?
A: The workshop is on Friday, November 4th and Saturday November 5th. We will meet from 9 am to 5 pm each day (with plenty of breaks and time for lunch). Registration details will be sent by email once you save your seat for the event!
Q: How will the material be presented at SFW?
A: This intensive will utilize a holistic learning approach. You'll have training, coaching, interactive exercises, group exercises, handouts, and lots of time for integrating what you learn. There will be movement, breaks, and even time to dance, since you KNOW Robert loves to dance!
"I Have A 100% Closing-the-Deal Success Rate"
"When I met Robert, I thought I knew everything I needed to be and stay successful, but I was wrong. Fortunately with Robert's mentoring and classes, I learned that though I had some success, there were several crucial aspects of marketing and business management that I was missing, and I was stuck.
Over the course of the next several months, he helped me to understand, fine tune and deliver my marketing action plan in a more effective manner with great results. Now, I have more confidence, more energy and a better outlook. I also run a thriving health coaching practice and have a 100% closing-the-deal rate thanks to his tools!"
Patrick Martin, Jr., Nutritional Consultant
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"We had over 45 people attend our last event."
"Before working with Robert, we were just getting started with our business. We wanted to hit the ground running and needed help knowing what were the priorities. Because we are older, we didn't have time to ease into the business. We had lots of financial responsibilities with kids in college, a mortgage, etc.
Because of our work with Robert, our contact list is growing quickly. We are focused on working with people we like and who like us. We've learned to write a successful newsletter. Plus, we are doing all our marketing and program design with the needs of our clients in mind. Because of his coaching, we learned how to fill our events, and had over 45 people attend our last workshop.
Julie and Tom Meekins, Child Development Specialists, Health Coaches www.MarchForthFamily.com
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This will be a life and business changing event.
I also know that these success strategies should be accessible to everyone, no matter how much money you make now. The world needs your help, and you need to know how to get clients to say YES to working with you. These are the exact tools I've used to create an over six figure business. The value of this event will bring you more clients, more confidence, and the freedom to know that you WILL SUCCEED doing the work you love.
Remember, I'm sharing a complete, step by step Success From Within Blueprint™ that took me countless hours, in fact years to develop, so you know this workshop will:
- Take months of planning and preparation off your shoulders
- Give you new income streams you can launch almost immediately
- Include checklists, forms and templates to help you be successful
- Help you become the type of person, mind/body/spirit, who authentically and consistently attracts clients
- Save you from making costly, time consuming mistakes
- Help you create more money, even with your very first or next client
- Remove all of the guesswork regarding getting started the right way
- Solve the problem of how to leverage your time into greater income while working less
- Bring you the fulfilling financial and spiritual rewards you've been seeking
- Ensure you only work with your ideal clients
- Transform your business model into one you love
I spent a lot of time meditating on this, and I was intuitively guided to make this information available to you in a affordable way.
Once You Register, You'll Receive These FREE BONUSES:
Bonus Pre-Event Teleseminar with Robert:
"How to Market, Fill and Deliver Initial Breakthrough Sessions So You Can Add Income to Your Business, Any Time You Need It"
This bonus is ONLY available if you secure your ticket before the end of the day, Saturday, October 1st, 2011.
I want you to start making money BEFORE we even meet live. So to help you, I'm gifting you with this step-by-step training teleseminar where I'll cover in AMAZING DETAIL one of the simplest income generating strategies there is. In this training, I'll walk you through how to elegantly and authentically coach a potential client to make a decision without solving their problem...yet, plus exciting ways - both online and offline - to market and generate leads for your Initial Breakthrough Sessions (even if you're new in business or don't have a big list).
With this information you'll be able to create a consistent flow of new clients and money exactly when you need it the most. And this is the same strategy my top clients use everyday to generate thousands in revenue every month.
This bonus training call will be recorded if you can't make the live call
VALUE: $297
Success Workbook & Materials
This special bonus will save you HOURS of time. I've carefully packaged the tools you need to be successful in your own special workbook. These are the SAME tools I've used in my business for years, so you KNOW they work.
Each of the templates, scripts, checklists, examples and more is beautifully presented in a beautiful bound workbook, so it's easy for you to reference over and over again as part of your Six Figure Success Plan.
Value: Honestly, the worth of these templates, scripts, checklists, examples in the workbook and more is hard to estimate. Especially when you consider they represent years of my experience and effort to create. So I think it's reasonable to say it's worth $497.
Spotlight Coaching Sessions LIVE With Robert
Throughout the workshop I'm including opportunities to receive spotlight coaching with me to get your questions answered. I'm known for creating a sacred space where it's safe to get right to the heart of an issue...FAST. I LOVE the transformation created right on-the-spot during these moments! And even if you don't ask a question and get coaching, you'll learn from the opportunity to witness masterful coaching.
VALUE: Taking into account that I've created a multiple 6-figure business, the value of these spotlight sessions are invaluable
Surprise Gifts
Each day you'll receive some surprise gifts and treats. I love giving gifts, and you're going to love this special bonus!
VALUE: $97
Networking Opportunities
Each morning, registration opens early so you can meet your event colleagues and network to support one another to find clients!
And for lunch, we'll give you a full list of ALL the tasty, healthy restaurants and stores nearby, plus give you a "lunch time networking checklist" and assignment. You are going to love connecting with these wonderful people!
VALUE: Priceless
Bring a friend for just $50
Why not invite a friend, colleague, member of your team or even your spouse to attend the Success from Within Live Workshop with you? It's such a gift to share this experience with someone you know or love who supports you on your journey to more success, plus you can split the expenses (I've seen firsthand how critical this can be to supporting your success).
Details on Bring a Friend ticket for just $50 are on the "Thank You" page you'll see once you reserve YOUR seat.
Note: Bring a Friend tickets are non-refundable.
I'll Even Include This Pre-Workshop Bonus Audio Training To Help Get You Started On Your Success From Within® journey
My Advanced "Branded System" Teleseminar Live Training
Prior to the 2-day event, I'll walk you through, step by step, how to transform "that thing you do" into an exciting Signature Branded System that attracts plenty of new clients. You'll learn how to develop your own branded program that will make you stand out as an expert in your field. Not to be missed!
VALUE: $297
Plus, to put you 100% at ease, I'm giving you...
My Generous "You'll Be Happy" Guarantee
My intention is for you to be 100% thrilled by attending the Success from Within workshop; and if for some reason you aren't able to attend, I want to make sure you are happy. Reserve your ticket now and if for any reason you can't attend, you have up until 21 days before the workshop begins to personally ask for a refund. We'll refund your ticket purchase, less a modest $50 bookkeeping/administrative fee.
And, because I believe so fully in the value of the incredible information you'll receive at the workshop, if for some reason you are not delighted and do not feel it was full of amazing tools and strategies to help you build your business, simply turn-in all your materials to my staff before the end of the first day, let them know why, and we will mail you a check for a full 100% refund of your registration fee within 30 days. I promise! I want to help make your decision to attend Success from Within a simple one.
I recommend this: Register now to lock in the savings, and start imagining what it will be like to experience my secrets to creating a highly successful business. Your business and life will change in wonderful and positive ways!

Please Note: The modest investment in the add-on option to Bring a Friend is non-refundable.
This two-day intensive is being held in a beautiful ballroom in the Middle of New York City.
I can't think of a better setting to lead this workshop! The energy of New York City, combined with the beauty of our conference space... you'll have lots of time to connect with your Success from Within Colleagues.
I take my environment very seriously, as it has a HUGE impact on how productive, creative and effective we are able to be in our work so I wanted to include that mindset into this entire experience.
And this event is specifically for health and wellness practitioners, so you will be with people of like mind, who are committed to success.
As soon as you register for Success From Within, you'll receive more information about the event, with hotel and transportation suggestions. |
Our elegant ballroom meeting space is right near the United Nations and the river, with BEAUTIFUL views of the city. It will inspire and motivate you. And there are plenty of healthy places for food and snacking, on breaks and during lunch (including fun restaurants, Grand Central Station and juice bars, the best of NYC dining for any budget). You'll be able to eat with your "Success form Within" colleagues, and maybe even take a stroll along the river!
So are you ready to join me?
"Yes Robert, I can't wait to attend your BRAND NEW Success from Within
LIVE Workshop happening this November 4 - 5, 2011 in New York City."
I understand that when I attend the Intensive with this group of other holistic, spirit-rich entrepreneurs in New York City on November 4 - 5, I will receive these benefits:
- Workbook filled with templates, scripts, checklists, examples (and more) for each section of the Six Figure Success Plan.
- Opportunity to receive spotlight coaching with you during the workshop.
- Opportunity to ask you questions during the workshop.
- Fun surprise gifts, that you've hand-picked.
- Pre-workshop live training teleseminar on how to market and fill my Initial Breakthrough Sessions.
- Pre-workshop training teleseminar audio on how to transform that "thing I do" into a Signature System that attracts ideal, high paying clients.
- Option to bring a friend, partner or colleague for only a $50 additional fee. I understand this option is available once I complete my purchase of my workshop ticket. Sorry, only ONE Bring-a-Friend ticket allowed per regular ticket purchase.
- Better than NO RISK guarantee. If you decide not to attend the Intensive, you have up until 21 days before the workshop begins to ask for a refund. We'll refund your ticket purchase less a modest $50 bookkeeping fee.
Pricing Option:
The workshop is now sold out, but stay tuned for my May 2012 event, coming soon!
I can't wait to welcome you in-person and help you create the financially and spiritually successful you deserve, by learning my "Success from Within Blueprint", to find clients you love and quickly build your income.
So if you're ready to take your new or existing business to the next level and you want the specific training, mindset shifts, systems and coaching skills to do so, don't wait another moment. Reserve your seat at Success from Within now!
To your shining success,
Robert Notter
Marketing & Mindset Coach
"I'm working with a major NYC hospital in an integrative wellness program."
"Before taking Robert's class, I saw a couple of private clients and a had full time job that, while rewarding, was not the direction I wanted to go as a health and wellness professional. My main problem was I felt literally stuck. I knew I had to market myself and reach beyond my circle of friends, but I had absolutely no idea where to start.
Because of my work with Robert, not only is my business as a yoga teacher and mind/body counselor growing, but I am much more confident; so much more, that because of the reputation I've been building through my newsletters and networking, I'm working with a major NYC hospital in an integrative wellness program! My Yogalena workshops increase have more attendees and my income is steadily growing. I've also learned to just keep at it, and trust that success will show up in unexpected ways."
Alena Gerst, Yoga Teacher/Mind Body Counselor
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"My confidence has grown, and I can take on anything."
"Before working with Robert I was interested in building my practice, but felt very unclear about how to move my business ahead, and didn't feel confident. I was not focused, and didn't really know what to do first. I knew I wanted to make more money, but needed direction.
Robert's classes and coaching helped me understand how to implement my ideas, to define my company's purpose, and then take action. And, he didn't let me settle for less than he knew I could be! The amazing results are that I have many wonderful clients and I feel great about how I am building my business each week. I have time for my family, and earn much more income with time left over. My confidence in myself as a business woman and a busy mother of 3 has grown - I can take on anything!"
Suzanne Girard Foote, Yoga Instructor
New Mother Yoga and Wellness
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