Your relationship with money determines everything about the success of your business: how many clients join your programs, how effective your marketing is, how much money you'll make and how hard you'll make yourself work to achieve your dreams...
50% Off This Complete Course Between August 24th And 29th. Read below for more info in the registration box!
Which is why I'm inviting you to join me for this audio training where I'm unveiling my personal and step by step secrets as to HOW you can finally charge what you're worth and earn more money in your business... ALL so that you can create the lifestyle you want AND do work you love.
Dear Health & Wellness Entrepreneurs,
Are you...
Robert Notter
Marketing & Mindset Coach
struggling to earn more money, and afraid that if you do it may not last anyway |
unsure why clients don't sign up for your programs, which makes you feel deflated and undervalued
concerned about how creating more money may rock the boat with the people you love the most (this includes secretly fearing that your success may disempower others in your life)
think that it's somehow "too challenging" to make more money, especially since you may compare yourself to others and feel discouraged and wonder if there is enough to go around
overwhelmed by the fears you have of how to grow your business, and the lack of security you feel around your finances
feeling you would have to forfeit living an authentic, spiritual life or have to give up your most important values if you focus on making and keeping more money
I'm here to help. I've learned, through coaching thousands of health and wellness business owners, exactly how much these money patterns secretly control your success, how often they show up as over-achieving yet under earning, over delivering yet under charging and wondering if you're good enough.
All of which impacts your income and unconsciously influences the effectiveness of your marketing (such as how quickly and easily you're able to fill your programs, courses and workshops; whether you attract needy, difficult or demanding clients who question your work; how often you find yourself dealing with clients backing out of working with you or client payment issues; how long it takes you to build your list or attract ideal clients who love you).
Robert with some of his inspiring clients
How much money you earn actually affects every area of your life and your "prosperity circle": your relationships, your self-esteem, your home environment, your creativity, even your self care. It's important to grow your prosperity, and you'll do so by growing your business and income.
I understand, I've been in your shoes. I left the corporate world with some money in savings, and with dreams of making a HUGE difference in the world. To step into my greatness and trust that my calling was to create profound transformation. It was scary at first, since I had to challenge all of the old beliefs about money and success, which meant moving out of that comfort zone. Let's face it, it's way easier to just put up with what's "familiar" or not working, than to change. But I knew that I had so much to gain and nothing to lose, and my life was waiting for me to take that step towards success.
I'm grateful to say, present day, my coaching practice has grown into a business that brings in Multiple 6-Figures, per year. I love my work, I run my business from my home in New York City, and each year my life grows more financially and spiritually richer, serving entrepreneurs who all want to make a difference in the world!
If hard work and marketing are all it takes to create a lucrative business, everyone would be successful. But most aren't, which means that for YOU to take a BIG leap forward with your business you MUST finally break free of the unconscious thoughts and self-sabotage regarding MONEY that are holding you back from increasing your income and creating the life of FREEDOM to do the work you love.
In my coaching practice, I help my clients get out of their rut, and learn how to share their gifts, in a way that authentically brings them more clients and more income - a sense of freedom. And it ALL starts by cultivating money attractive belief systems.
I want to see these kinds of results happen for you in your business! Which is why I've created this telecourse, to reveal this Money Attraction Secrets formula that every entrepreneur NEEDS to know.
The entrepreneurs I've helped are no different than you...but what they've learned has HELPED them expertly attract and keep more ideal clients, filling their programs and courses, WITHOUT giving up on the people they're meant to serve, feeling like a fraud, or slaving away at their business.
While the results feel fantastic, what I'm teaching you is so practical and easy to implement, that EVERY entrepreneur can do the same...including you!
Is This Training Course Right For You?
The Money Attraction Secrets telecourse is for every entrepreneur who wants to attract and keep more ideal clients, fill their programs, courses and workshops faster, plus generate more prosperity and freedom in their time.
This telecourse will benefit you whether you're just started a business for yourself or are a seasoned pro. Every entrepreneur needs to know how to build their income in way that's real, authentic, AND brings you abundance.
If you don't figure this out now, you're gambling with your business, when instead you could be attracting the exact right types of clients into your business. PLUS the more money you earn, MEANS the MORE you can have a positive impact in the lives of all of your clients. Your success will inspire their success, as you stand in your power.
My journey of starting my business from scratch and growing it into the multi 6-figures started with the SAME steps I'm going to walk you through in our 3 training call audios, when you join me and other heart-centered entrepreneurs for information to create powerful shifts in your relationship with money:
Class #1: Heal Your Past Beliefs & Create A Money Attractive Mindset
How to identify and eliminate ANY conflicting feelings about money and take your business to the next level from a place of integrity and authenticity
Ways to get to the BOTTOM of why you keep attracting the same money issues, and what to do about it to FREE yourself from this self-sabotaging pattern
A powerful exercise to forgive the past and release negative thoughts that secretly hold you back from generating more income and freedom |
How to identify and release the money stories that you grew up with and, and create new money attractive mindset patterns that inspire you to take action to find clients consistently
The ONE KEY reason why you don't have to forfeit living an authentic, spiritual life or give up your most important values when you focus on making and keeping more money
Tips to empower yourself to earn more money, fully embracing that you deserve success (plus create big money goals that will inspire you to action, to even double or triple your current income)
BONUS: You Get...
- An inspiring chart outlining the Money Thought Emotion Cycle that shows you exactly how you consciously and unconsciously keep yourself from earning more money
- Powerful worksheet to connect with your power around money, that moves you forward to earn more instead of keep you stuck where you are
- ESSENTIAL questions you must ask to understand how your family and early childhood imprint, is effecting how much money you make TODAY in your business
- Thoughtful exercise showing you exactly how you can give yourself permission to earn more money and create consistent abundance in all areas of your life
- Exercise to forgive others in your life who have directly or indirectly held you back because of what they taught you about money
Class #2: Forgive Your Debt & Stop Letting Fear and Guilt Hold You Back From Generating Income
Ways to identify why you have debt, and the first steps for letting go of the guilt you may feel, to create a shift in how you move forward, from a place of confidence
How to understand the conscious and subconscious needs that led you to create an imbalance in your bank account, as well as create debt, and was to create healthy patterns to attract more money
How to continually pay yourself, even if you're in debt, are just getting your business started or are investing everything you make back into your business
How to create a clear payoff plan to reduce your debt, step by step, in less time and with consistent success
Top mindset tools to pay off your emotional debt, the fears, worry, and past situations that you are holding onto, that keep you feeling stuck, to let a big weight off your shoulders
BONUS: You Get...
- Debt Payoff Worksheet, that helps you plan exactly how you can begin to reduce your debt, without feeling deprived or guilty
- Template and chart detailing ways you can eliminate debt, and keep it from occurring in the first place
- Bonus Handout to help you identify and understand the underlying needs and emotions that lead you to rack up debt or make unnecessary purchases
Class #3: Own Your Worth & Embrace Your Power With Money
The exact INTERNAL SHIFT you must make immediately to eliminate feeling out of harmony with money and people in your life
How to stop letting the fear you'll never make it or if you do, that you'll lose it all, keep you from taking action to grow your business
Practical steps you can take, starting today, to dramatically reduce any worries that no matter how much you have it will never be enough
The steps you MUST take to create more security and generate a continuous flow of clients and success
3 simple ways to know if you're charging enough (and what to do about it if you're not)
Powerful tools to fully embrace and own your money power, cultivate a new sense of freedom, and confidently ask for the money you deserve in any situation
BONUS: You Get...
- Handy chart and exercise of how to claim your power and develop clear boundaries, in any situation around money and worth
- Beautiful mindset shifts and power statements to deepen your money consciousness, and attract experiences and people into your life that help boost your self-worth
- Plus a surprise bonus handout you are going to love!
Special BONUS to help you make a big breakthrough:
Clear Your Money Clutter - Bonus Audio
In this bonus audio training, you'll learn Robert's system to clear away the conscious and unconscious blocks that keep you from earning more money. Simple steps to take in everyday life to attract more abundance and feel in control of your finances. Plus heal your relationship with other people around income and prosperity.
Value $197
My clients Now Pay Me $1,500 Per Month for My Program
Prior to working with Robert, I felt lost in a fuzzy cloud of "Where do I begin?" I wanted to help anyone and everyone with very little focus and certainly without a niche or specialty. This made it very difficult to market myself let alone explain what I did for a living.
Robert offered "done for you" lists and activities that walked me step by step through finding my niche AND in writing a teleclass! Brilliant! His teaching skills made the process easy and super fun. Now, I enjoy telling people what I do for a living, and I'm attracting elite clientele who pay $1,500 a month for my diamond platinum program. I radiate gratitude for the work Robert does in this world. His skills and knowledge allow me to fulfill my dreams and help change the way the world person at a time.
Allison Suter, Elite Nutritional Coach
Certified Nutrition Coach |
I Left My Full Time Day Job & Am Successfully Building My Practice
Before I began working with Robert, I was simultaneously working a 9-5 job while building a private practice. I was stressed out, overwhelmed and didn't have clarity. I had a lot of fears around putting myself out there and really committing to a direction. I felt like I had to choose between coaching and a stable job. I was really confused about what direction I should take.
I really credit Robert for taking my private practice to the next level. He enabled me to confront my fears. He helped me find the confidence to believe in myself and the services I offer. Though his support I have been able leave the security of my full time job and commit to building my practice my full time. This has allowed me to make time for my own self-care and spend more time with my family. I have many more clients and my business continues to grow. I feel truly blessed to have Robert in my life.
Jennifer Bronsnick
Clinical Social Worker & Coach |
PLUS...These Additional BONUSES:
Complete MP3 Recordings of the Money Attraction Secrets Training Course
Every Call recording is conveniently posted on a web page that you'll have access to after each call. You can listen right away, or you can download the calls directly to your favorite listening device.
Downloadable Transcripts of Each Call
I take a lot of notes, so I'm providing you with transcripts of each call. Read them online or download and print to access easily.
Downloadable Forms and Checklists
I take the work out of it for you, with these "done for you" forms and checklists. You'll have all you need to implement and cultivate your new money attractive mindset!
- An inspiring chart outlining the Money Thought Emotion Cycle that shows you exactly how you consciously and unconsciously keep yourself from earning more money
- Money attractive emotions, and a worksheet to connect with your feelings around money, that move you forward to earn more instead of keep you stuck where you are
- Thoughtful exercise showing you exactly how you can give yourself permission to earn more money and create consistent abundance in all areas of your life
- ESSENTIAL questions you must ask to understand how your family and early childhood imprint, is effecting how much money you make TODAY in your business
- Full-color chart and checklist with my top steps to create a new money story that you can hang on your wall to keep you focused on taking action to build your business
- Debt Payoff Worksheet, that helps you plan exactly how you can begin to reduce your debt, without feeling deprived or guilty
- Template and chart detailing ways you can eliminate debt, and keep it from occurring in the first place
- Bonus Handout to help you identify and understand the underlying needs and emotions that lead you to rack up debt or make unnecessary purchases
- Handy chart and exercise of how to claim your power and develop clear boundaries, in any situation around money and worth
- Beautiful mindset shifts and power statements to deepen your money consciousness, and attract experiences and people into your life that help boost your self-worth
- Plus surprise bonus handouts you are going to love!
VALUE: Priceless!
EXTRA Special Bonus:
FREE GIFT TICKET to the "Experiential Success" 2-Day Workshop
Happening LIVE in NYC, December 2017
You will be in a room full of other AMAZING entrepreneurs, of like mind, who are committed to success, with a complimentary ticket! These are the people who are committed to sharing their work with MANY more clients, to create a ripple effect of positive change in the world. And the same people who want to, and do earn 6-Figure income doing work they love. The opportunity to connect with this high level of big thinkers is priceless. You'll make friends, get referrals, and have a community to support you to think big! PLUS you can bring a friend for free!
Value $997
This Is Your Opportunity to Take Your Business to the Next Level of Income & Opportunity!
Here's a Recap of Exactly What You Receive When You Enroll In This Exclusive "Money Attraction Secrets" Training Course:
- 3 Training call audios , each about 90-minutes long, taught personally by Robert
- PDF course checklists and tip sheets - you'll be able to download these immediately
- PDF transcripts of all 3 call audios - these are available to print out
- MP3 audios of all 3 trainings - to listen to on your computer or audio device
During this course, you'll have big insights. You'll learn to create money breakthroughs and fully own your worth!
Not to worry - I've made it understandable and easy to implement!
I'll walk you through each step, and give you all of the forms and templates you need. I've made it simple and easy for you to boost your business. Remember, your niche and your marketing style ultimately determines your success in business!
If you miss this now, you risk losing money you could earn but aren' may even be risking the future of your business.
You'll feel a sense of relief, and excitement - ready to quickly take your business to the next level - now, and for years to come - with the information in this course!
I Have A Real Profitable Making Business
Working with Robert has taken my health counseling practice from a hobby to a real money making business. His classes and coaching helped me to recognize and overcome the subconscious, self-imposed obstacles that were preventing me from monetary success. He also inspired me to find my motivation and why I deserve to be successful in this field. Once I identified the importance of what drives me, my business literally exploded.
His action oriented approach, helped me to follow through taking the steps necessary to grow my business in a way that is satisfying, lucrative and most importantly fun. I now own my power in a way I only dreamed and I continually attract the types of clients that make this work rewarding and fulfilling. I am grateful for this everyday!
Christine Lucas
Certified Health Counselor
I Have A 100 % Closing the Deal Success Rate
When I met Robert, I thought I knew everything I needed to be and stay successful, but I was wrong. Fortunately, with Robert's mentoring and classes, I learned that, though I had has some success, there were several crucial aspects of marketing and business management that I was missing, and I was feeling stuck.
Over the course of the next several months, he helped me to understand, fine tune and deliver my marketing action plan in a more effective manner, with great results. Now, I have more confidence, MORE MONEY and a better outlook. I also run a thriving health coaching practice, and have a 100% closing the deal rate thanks to his tools!
Patrick Martin, Jr.
Nutritional Consultant
I Have Doubled My Coaching Rates
Before working with Robert, my business was doing okay, but I was not clear as to where I should focus. I felt overwhelmed at times, especially around pricing the services, I was charging a lot less than I was worth.
Working with Robert, helped me to prioritize and focus. He helped me to assess my worth and move pass blocks surrounding being paid more. In fact, I have doubled my coaching rates, and people are consistently signing up! Today my business is way more profitable, and many more income streams. Thanks To Robert I got my article published! It really makes a huge difference when you work with Robert, no need to struggle when you can get someone who can help you grow your clientele, and be profitable!
Rese Young
Certified Health & Lifestyle Coach, Motivational Speaker
I Have Two Doctors Sending Me Clients Consistently
I felt overwhelmed trying to target areas to grow my business as a Health Counselor. Then I remembered the support, light and direction I received from Robert when I was fresh out of school. I contacted him and he came through for me with a light stronger than ever. Now, I am attracting clients, have more confidence and direction and don't even think about the economy. Robert is a gem, a Business Coach with heart.
Working with Robert has given me a financial safety net and a belief in myself. Every time I have a concern or need a boost he is there. He helped me calm down and feel that anything is possible. And he listens and really cares. I am able to listen to my intuition more and take chances I never took before. Presently, I am having success and great fun presenting at corporate health fairs. I now have two doctors sending me clients consistently. Before my business coaching with Robert I never would have had the confidence to reach out to these areas.
Ellen Ziegler CHHC, Certified Coach
I Earned More This Year Than Ever Before
Before working with Robert, I was frustrated -- knowing that as a Health Coach, I was doing great work with the few clients I had, but getting clients was a very slow process. I had great conversations with people about my work, but wasn't able to get many to agree even to a Health History, much less sign up for a program. And when they DID agree to a Health History, the majority walked away not making a decision to work with me.
My marketing approach has totally changed now. I have my target market clearly defined. I use more interesting language that really sells benefits -- and those benefits are specifically related to my target market. Best of all, I am making more money and enjoying it more. I earned more in the first 2 months of this year than I did all of last year!
I can see now how to keep building it bigger. I am creating a program plan for the whole year, with a clear timeline for when to communicate it -- add that to my new skill of selling the benefits in a way that grabs people's attention -- and there's no stopping me now!
Paula Antonini
Health Coach |
Where else can you access a telecourse like this with a successful entrepreneur who wants to personally help YOU...for such a reasonable investment?
As you can imagine, gaining access this information not typically available at such an extremely affordable price. Clients working with me privately pay significantly more. At just $347 for all three calls, you will certainly receive much more in value and new clients. In fact, I'd say the FIRST call alone, where you'll learn my money attraction formula, is worth the entire investment of the telecourse!
My Personal Guarantee!

I want you to be MORE than satisfied with the
information delivered in the Money Attraction Secrets.
If you listen to the first audio and you're not 100% excited by the information provided - just let me know within 30 days and I'll arrange to have your entire course fee credited towards another of my upcoming courses within the next 6 months. You have my word!
So...are you ready to generate income and excitement from your business by building your money attractive mindset and action plan, with integrity?
Register now to learn personally from Robert the success formula every health and wellness professional must know in order to attract - and keep! - more income in your business. If you're reading this, you're ready, so let's get you started right now...
"Yes, I'm ready to commit to learn your Money Attraction Secrets."
When I enroll in this special Money Attractions Secrets course, I will receive:
- 3 In-Depth Training Audios, each about 90-minutes long, taught personally by Robert, to listen to immediately
- PDF course checklists and tip lists - you'll be able to download these as soon as you register
- PDF transcripts of all 3 calls - these will be accessible immediately
- MP3 audios of all 3 calls - these will be accessible to download to your computer so you can listen over and over
- Bonus Audio - in Robert's "Clear Your Money Clutter" training
- FREE ticket to Robert's Live December 2017 Workshop in NYC -these two days will transform your business and change your life (and you can bring a guest for free!)
So Which Risk-Free Payment Option Do You Prefer?
Click One Option Now
SUMMER SUCCESS 50% OFF SALE Option One (best deal):
Pay in Full at just $347 $173
Option Two:
Pay in 2 Easy Monthly Payments of $175 $87
Please know and feel assured that this online transaction is 100% secure. After your information is received you will get an electronic receipt and instructions within just a few minutes.
Don't miss it, at this affordable price!
To your prosperous business,
P.S. Remember, you're investing in in Money Attraction Secrets to build YOUR business. You've got nothing to lose and so much to gain, so register now.
Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent this program and its potential. Each individual's success depends on his or her background, desire, dedication, and motivation. Facts and figures and material on this website are not intended to guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. The information in this course should not take the place of advice or consultation with a qualified financial planner, accountant or other licensed professional.