Focus On Your Success

By: Robert Notter

Have you ever cut your finger and not known it, then suddenly noticed the cut and at that moment you started to feel pain? Well, your entire life is often like this cut. What we focus on is what we typically experience. When we focus on lack, resentment and negativity, we keep experiencing more of these emotions. What you choose to think has a significant impact on your life. And I say “choose” because ultimately it is your decision. Others may tell you what to think, but in the end it is you who gets to decide.

Sometimes, it’s hard to know where to start, especially when it comes to building your business. Most of us have so many thoughts it’s like a rock concert playing in our heads. From the moment we’re born, our brain begins its programming – parents tell us what to do and think; society dictates how we should act; unpleasant experiences teach us to be fearful; others tells us what to believe. With everyone else’s stuff in our heads, no wonder we often feel stuck.

If you are only focusing on problems or frustration guess what – you’ll keep creating more problems. Can you just think happier thoughts and your dream client will magically call you on the phone, not necessarily. However, by choosing thoughts that are more positive, you’ll improve your mood and energize yourself to take action. Here is a process to break out of negative thought patterns and start feeling better:

Notice your feelings:
if you feel bad, let this signal you that something’s out of whack. Stop yourself, take a breath and be in the present moment, before you continue the downward spiral.

Pay attention to your thoughts:
once you slow down, check in to see what kind of thoughts you’re thinking. Are your thoughts making things worse, or are they focused on positive solutions?

Ask if it’s true:
if you notice your thoughts are overly negative, ask yourself how true the thoughts actually are. Are you really “never going to be successful in your business?” In all likelihood, you’ll recognize that you sometimes blow things out of proportion.

Choose different thoughts:
since negative thoughts keep you stuck, ask yourself, “what’s another thought I can choose to feel better, and motivate myself?” It’s important to pick thoughts that are believable. If you have little money in your bank account, telling yourself “I have a million dollars” may not be realistic. However, a thought like “I know I can earn more money, if I get out there and start meting more people” may give you that extra push.

Keep practicing:
negative thoughts are the norm for many of us. We’ve spent so much time doing it, we believe the thoughts are true. You have to keep interrupting the process by trying these exercises. It takes effort, but ultimately your life is worth it!