Are you ready to fill your business, quickly grow your income and help many more people as a confident public speaker?
Join Robert Notter as he shares his public speaking success plan. Full course is already available for immediate viewing,
so be sure to join us now!
50% Off This Complete Course BY March 21. Read below for more info in the registration box!
Dear Heart Centered Coach, Counselor, Healer or Holistic Practitioner,
Does any of this sound familiar?
If any of the above feels familiar to you then you're here for a reason. It's exciting yet challenging to build a business and become a public speaker. At the same time it is and can be one of the most rewarding experiences you'll ever have.
You are here to share your gifts with the world so that you can be of service to others and have an incredibly positive impact on this planet. Please know:
This is your moment... the moment to stop doubting yourself, and know that you're meant to succeed and earn great money with public speaking!
Robert with Program members
Today you have
a unique and tremendous opportunity to earn wonderful income doing work that you love, work that helps so many people. So that YOU create a lifestyle you love, and model this path of abundance, health and success for all of the people you are meant to serve.
You are here to do something BIG, and it's not by chance that you're reading this now.
The thing is, you may not know what to do next or even where to start when it comes to giving a class. You aren't sure what to say, where to give a talk, who to invite or even how to get them there in the first place.
OR maybe you're already doing talks with some success, but you KNOW there is a lot more you could do to fill the room and earn WAY more money. And you're ready to figure out how.
Well, time keeps passing you by with little results, which means you're not making the impact through your work that you deep down KNOW you're meant to.
Are You Ready To Demystify Public Speaking & Take Your New or Your Current Business To The Next Big Level Of Income & Success?
Welcome to this brand new and ground-breaking 4-part training program designed to show you EXACTLY how to confidently and easily add significant income to your business through public speaking.
The CPS Program gives you an easy to follow system to show you step-by-step what to prioritize and focus on to grow your business as a speaker. And how to structure your work and create an effective marketing plan that will have your business work FOR YOU so you fill your talks instead of you working at it. Ultimately, this program helps you put the pieces of the public speaking puzzle together. You'll know how to quickly achieve success starting where you are now, and then how to jump to the next level with confidence.
Plus, the Courageous Public Speaking Course combines this marketing training with unique Mindset Mastery Work, so that you feel confident as you speak and TRULY STAND IN YOUR POWER as an authentic, heart centered entrepreneur.
The Courageous Public Speaking Course is designed to show you exactly how to:
Generate more income right away through public speaking, and in much less time.
Stop undervaluing your work and stop giving it away without being paid.
Be handed a system of how to create compelling talks to get your business going the fastest way possible.
Receive word-for-word templates and scripts of what to say, when and how, so clients consistently say yes to paying you for your work as a result of your public speaking engagements.
Have a coaching mentor you trust to reveal the secrets to integrating public speaking into your business so you take it to the next level of income and impact.
Someone to give you proven, done-for-you templates that you can use to effectively market your workshops, talks, teleclasses and webinars so you FILL your events with new, higher-paying clients.
Develop new and exciting programs and services to offer when you speak that will inspire you, revitalize your offers and "wow" your clients.
Design the confidence to present yourself in public - in a way that's authentic for YOU - so you don't let fears, doubts, or self-criticism get in the way.
This is EXACTLY what I'm ready to support you to do...
Let's take a closer look at how you'll be able to share your work with many more clients, and the in-depth training you'll receive in the course:
Class # 1: Profitable Public Speaking: How To Create, Manage and Deliver Profitable Talks That Quickly Grow Your Income & Fill Your Business
In this training webinar you'll discover:
The top public speaking “models” to choose from, based on where you are in your business now, so you create income, whether you’re speaking for the first time or you’re a seasoned pro
Which topics are the best for your biz and your ideal clients, exactly what to speak about so you enjoy what you present & people will actually sign up for your talks
Which presentation "platforms" are the most profitable and how to implement them in less time so you save money (you don’t have to be a tech pro to figure it out, I'll show you how)
Your 6-Figure presentation outline, exactly how to structure your talks minute-by-minute, what to say and when, how much content to include (and not include) and how long your talks should be so you generate sales every time
What you must put into your FIRST 15 MINUTES of your talk or you risk losing sales and sign-ups for your programs
Simple tools to prevent you from over-delivering or overwhelming your audience with too much information (this is CRITICAL to avoid sabotaging your sales)
What to say and when, during your talks, to generate hundreds of new contacts for your mailing list, who are eager to learn more and pay you for your work
Simple and creative ways to make money from public speaking that are easy to implement and generate ADDITIONAL income for months to come, even from a small event
What offers to include at the end of your talk, and step by step, the exact SEQUENCE for making this offer "from the stage" (you'll be able to plan your offer confidently and quickly... and deliver it successfully)
How to include client testimonials in your talks, so your audience connects with you and wants to join your program
6-Figure content template to create every minute of your entire presentation, what to cover and when (you can use over and again for any talk you want, you'll breathe a sigh of relief when you see this)
Over 10 different ideas for which programs and services you can sell during your talks
My personal checklist of the main speaking points to cover during your presentations (this checklist alone will keep your event running smoothly and keep you calm, relaxed and powerful)
Step by step template showing you the exact steps to follow for making an offer during your talks (this template could easily be the best bonus you'll receive from this course!)
Class #2: 6-Figure Marketing Plan: Easy-To Implement Strategies To Create A Marketing Plan To Fill Your Events With Ease
In this training webinar you'll discover:
Step by step, how to market your events, teleseminars and webinars using email, social media, "launch calls" and more (I'll even share my event planning calendar with you as a special bonus)
15 Different ways to fill your event, most of which are free
What to always include to generate quick and consistent sales at the beginning of your marketing campaign
What text to include in your promotional emails, step-by-step, so you authentically fill your events and even create a waiting list
How to develop your marketing timeline, so you know how much, how often, and for how long to promote your public speaking gigs (so you generate income yet not overwhelm your contact list)
How to get others people to promote for you helping you to grow your list and fill your talks
How to know if you should charge or not for your talks, and simple pricing strategies to generate sales no matter when or where you speak
Which bonuses are vital to include with your offer to generate more registrations and sales
How to generate revenue even after your events, and what to offer and when as a lucrative follow up
Top ways to avoid no-shows for your public speaking gigs (these "stick strategies" and they work like a charm to generate excitement about your talk)
Template on how to create a compelling title that will help you fill your event quickly
Sample step-by-step marketing calendar showing you exactly which marketing steps to take and when (this checklist is fully customizable for your unique business!)
7-step email template to create your promotional campaigns, so you know how to write compelling marketing copy to fill your events (this works even if you don't consider yourself a good writer)
Complete rolodex of resources to make your talks a success (webinars, billing, marketing, vendors and suppliers for everything from printing to design to team)
Class #3: Confident & Authentic Speaking: How To Stand In Your Power & Fearlessly Present Yourself So You Attract Clients
In this webinar you'll discover:
The 6-figure mindset I use to feel confident on stage and authentically generate 1000s of dollars in sales
My top "fear busing" exercises and techniques to stop any jitters, worry or doubts you have before during or after your talks (you'll go from nervous to EXCITED)
How your body language and voice affect your sales, and how to project an image that has participants take the next steps to signing up for your sales/offers
How to be a more effective presenter and speak better, and how to perfect your presentation style and image to speak like a seasoned professional in a way that's authentic to you
How to easily handle any stressful moments that may arise during your talks, so you feel strong and empowered
Who to include in your event support team, how to pick the best people, and how to plan your talks in a way that's efficient, affordable, and reliable
Techniques to have your participants feel a strong connect with you, based on their personal learning style (you'll build trust and authentically generate more sales)
The best secrets to gracefully handle Q&A so you manage your event time and don't risk turning over the microphone to someone who won’t stop talking
How to avoid the disconnect so many heart-centered entrepreneurs feel when they "sell" during an event (a simple and powerful method to connect with the heart your audience so you don’t feel salesy or cheesy)
My confidence boosting template with simple exercises you can use to eliminate any fears, feel strong, and stop letting worry hold you back
Checklist of items you'll want and need when you speak (especially on stage) to help you feel and be your best!
My sample script to confidently facilitate Q/A during your talks so you and your participants feel empowered
Here's why this program is so unique...
"Dance break" at Robert's event
Ultimately, your success comes from the inside as well as the outside. This program will help you embody and embrace your confidence as a speaker, and truly own the value of your work.
Plus, the Courageous Public Speaking Course delivers the program curriculum in a variety of ways, and in a style that you'll understand. You'll be part of live webinars and a live Q/A coaching call with Robert. The couse webinars and materials are yours to keep forever! |
And the best part about this program is that you'll finally have the support to truly make sense of how to build your business, with authenticity and integrity, through speaking. Plus create the mindset to get you there. You'll wake up every morning with confidence that you can make this happen, and will be filled with gratitude for your success. This is not just a "course" it's a whole new way of living and a whole new way of expressing yourself - to truly let your light shine!
PLUS...These Additional BONUSES:
Bonus #1: Complete Audio Recordings of the Course Series

Each audio is now available for you so you can hear the information right away! Class recordings are conveniently posted on a web page for EASY download and are yours to keep forever!
Bonus #2: Downloadable Forms and Checklists
Throughout the course you'll receive over a dozen done-for-you forms, checklists, scripts, workshop outlines... EVERYTHING you need. You'll be able to use these forms and support materials to create, market and fill your public speaking gigs! The forms are ready for you to download during each class, on a private course website!
Bonus #3: Income Generating Rolodex
Value: $197
Free downloadable copy of Robert's Success Rolodex, full of resources to use, at a special savings, to grow your business (newsletters, client payments, online scheduling, audio recordings, teleseminar hosting, websites, shopping carts and much more).
Bonus #4: Free ticket to Robert's
Live Mastermind This June in NYC.
Plus you can bring a friend for free.
Value: $997
Would you like to be in a room full of a select group of only 40 AMAZING entrepreneurs, of like mind, who are committed to success? Well, you'll be the first to receive a ticket, and you'll get to attend for free as one of Robert's highly valued course members.
These are the people who are committed to sharing their work with MANY more clients, to create a ripple effect of positive change in the world. And the same people who want to and do earn 6-Figure income doing work they love.
The opportunity to connect with this high level of big thinkers is priceless. You'll make friends, get referrals, and have a community to support you to think big!
Courageous Public Speaking Platinum Option
Are you the type of person who wants even more support with your public speaking and personalized attention? I've created an advanced option of the Courageous Public Speaking Course to provide motivated entrepreneurs the opportunity to have my PRIVATE coaching and support to craft your signature presentation.
With this advanced option, you'll receive all of the materials features and benefits of the entire CPS course PLUS you'll also have the opportunity to work with me privately. I'll help you create your workshop/presentation outline and materials. You'll know exactly what to say to fill the room (or webinar or conference call line) with high-paying clients. We'll create a talk that speaks to the needs of your niche as well as lets YOU thrive while you present.
The CPS: Premier Option includes the following:
- A private 45 minute coaching call with Robert where he’ll personally help you create the content of your workshop/presentation. You’ll work step-by-step with his support to develop a presentation that easily helps you generate more income and countless signups for your service offering.
- MP3 Recording of your bonus coaching call, so you can review the recommendations and plan that you and Robert created.
- Bonus email check in and feedback with Robert, after your coaching call, to fine tune your presentation and answer any questions you have.
- Bonus Template on how to create compelling handouts for your presentations
This is in addition to all of the content and classes and materials you receive in the CPS course. You'll be ready to confidently stand in your power during your presentation and give a talk that creates breakthroughs for the participants. Plus, you'll know how to give talks that quickly fill your courses and programs, so you watch your income soar! You can register for this option in the registration section by clicking here.
My Personal Guarantee!
I want you to be MORE than satisfied with the information delivered in the Courageous Public Speaking Webinar Course.
If you participate in the first webinar and you're not 100% excited by the information provided - just let me know before and I'll arrange to have your entire course fee credited towards another of my courses within the next 6 months.
The NEXT Step is EASY and TOTALLY *RISK FREE* You Can Register Here NOW by choosing one of the options below!
"Yes, I'm ready to lean the Courageous Public Speaking system with Robert and quickly grow my business!"
 Option 1: CPS

- 3 Training Webinars, with detailed, step-by-step content, taught personally by Robert
- Q/A Coaching Call Recording - 90 minutes long, to get direct coaching from Robert
- PDF course checklists and done-for-me materials - you'll be able to download right away so you can follow along
- MP3 & Class Recordings - you can download these and keep forever
- Free ticket to Robert's LIVE Workshop in NYC - learn to transform your biz and income
Click Below To Register 50% OFF MARCH SALE
Option 1:
Pay In Full At $347 $173
Option 2:
2 Easy Monthly
Payments Of $177 $88
 Option 2: CPS Platinum

- ALL of the features and benefits of the Courageous Public Speaking Course (described on the left)
- Bonus 45 Minute PRIVATE Coaching Call with Robert to create and review your signature workshop
- Email Review and check in with Robert of your signature program outline after your private call to refine and finalize your workshop plan
- MP3 Recording of the private coaching call
- Bonus Handout & Checklist on how to create compeling handouts and giveaways for your talks
Click Below To Register 50% OFF MARCH SALE
Option 1:
Pay In Full At $597 $298
Option 2:
2 Easy Monthly
Payments Of $299 $149
I can't wait to welcome you. It's an honor to support you, and I look forward to supporting you to create an amazing business through speaking!
So if you're ready to take your new or existing business to the next level and you want the specific training, mindset shifts, systems and public speaking skills to do so, don't wait another moment, register now.
To your shining success,
Robert Notter
Marketing & Mindset Coach
P.S. Questions about the program or need support to register? Feel free to email support@bookclientsnow.com or call 212-541-8794
"We Had Over 50 People Attend Our Last Event."
"Before working with Robert, we were just getting started with our business. We wanted to hit the ground running and needed help knowing what were the priorities. Because we are older, we didn't have time to ease into the business. We had lots of financial responsibilities with kids in college, a mortgage, etc.
Because of our work with Robert, our contact list is growing quickly. We are focused on working with people we like and who like us. We've learned to write a successful newsletter. Plus, we are doing all our marketing and program design with the needs of our clients in mind. Because of his coaching, we learned how to fill our events, and had over 50 people attend our last workshop."
Julie and Tom Meekins, Child Development Specialists, Health Coaches
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"My confidence has grown, and I can take on anything."
"Before working with Robert I was interested in building my practice, but felt very unclear about how to move my business ahead, and didn't feel confident. I was not focused, and didn't really know what to do first. I knew I wanted to make more money, but needed direction.
Robert's classes and coaching helped me understand how to implement my ideas, to define my company's purpose, and then take action. And, he didn't let me settle for less than he knew I could be! The amazing results are that I have many wonderful clients and I feel great about how I am building my business each week. I have time for my family, and earn much more income with time left over. My confidence in myself as a business woman and a busy mother of 3 has grown - I can take on anything!"
Suzanne Girard Foote, Yoga Instructor
New Mother Yoga and Wellness
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Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our program and its potential. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results and don't necessarily apply to an average attendee/purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual's success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation.
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